Hair Transplant Method Without Shaving
Hair Transplant Method Without Shaving
This method is divided into 2
1-Shaved Extraction and Unshaved Implant
2-Extraction Without Shaving And Implant Without Shaving
In the Shaved Extraction (a routine technique applied more in women) a window is opened in the donor area by shaving the hairs and the follicles are extracted with the Fue technique.
The extracted follicles are implanted directly into the canals made in the “unshaven recipient area.” Unfortunately, it is not possible to implant a high number of follicles in this method.
And in the No Shave Extraction, the follicles are extracted without shaving the donor area and implanted in the open channels in the “unshaven recipient area.” Like the previous method, it is impossible to implant a high number of follicular units.